“The Greatest method of praying is to pray the rosary.”
saint francis de Sales
Let the world know what you live for not what you fall for!
John Paul Warren
The word consecration means to make holy. This is something we all should be doing as practicing Catholics. Our ministry has been started to take out the guess work, and through our combined efforts, spread Marian consecration all throughout the state of Florida! And what better place to start than the first coast?
So many saints speak about the importance of the Rosary, one of which is Padre Pio. By embarking on this journey, you’ll be able to work towards being one of Pio’s spiritual children! This journey is known as Marian Consecration, and it is about giving over every part of yourself to The Blessed Virgin Mary. Some saints believe this is required for salvation in general! In doing so, you’ll feel more connected to Our Lady as well as Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
These all sound like great things huh? They surely can’t hurt! Reach out to us to get started!
Community Consecration
Throughout the consecration retreat, your Parish and you can bond over meditating on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, which are centered around the life of Our Lord. We will be publishing a daily rosary reflection on the mysteries, and prayer intentions that come from you all! In addition, when you sign up with your email, you will receive a daily reading from 33 Days to Morning Glory, which is a book written to prepare oneself for Marian Consecration.
An individual from our ministry should be coming by your parish with a sign up sheet, along with free rosaries and Miraculous Medals, which are fundamental for “our take” at Marian Consecration. If someone from our ministry has not stopped by yet, please reach out to us at the links below, and we’ll be sure to stop by!
Plan Our visit
Please contact us below to visit your parish:
Parish visits
You can ensure our visit to your parish by speaking to your Pastor or any official, and having them reach out to us.
Sadly, we live in a world where people will solicit outside of Churches, and we want to ensure that we’re welcomed before setting up our table.
Please, reach out to us over email or phone if you want us to visit your Parish, and we will make it happen! God Bless!
In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
The Blessed Virgin Mary , Fatima, 1917

Our Lady visited three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. Each month, the three children would have an apparition in which Our Lady communicated to them. With growing crowds of nonbelievers, Our Lady promised a miracle in the month of October. That miracle was given on October 13th, 1917, with 70,000 spectators – the name given was The Miracle of The Sun.
The appearance of Our Lady in Fatima rings bells in what is going on in the world today. We were told in 1917 that if Russia was not consecrated to Our Lady, the errors of Russia would spread. With the war in Ukraine, it is of the upmost importance for us all to be devoted to Our Lady! After all, she told us that in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Etiam pulvinar nunc a arcu semper rutrum. Quisque tempor posuere enim, non euismod tortor luctus vitae.
Vestibulum sagittis quam nunc, quis pretium elit aliquam eu. Proin eu efficitur lorem. Donec laoreet dui sapien, et euismod velit ullamcorper sed. Vivamus sollicitudin facilisis nisl non ultricies. Etiam pretium metus non mi varius, at pulvinar purus lobortis.
Duis tincidunt condimentum ligula sit amet auctor. Integer nisi ipsum, eleifend quis aliquet non, malesuada at felis. Integer eu est eu ligula tempor posuere ut sit amet nulla.
We need your help
The Marian Consecration Ministry doesn’t receive funding, and all of our workers are volunteers. We rely on supporters like you to keep going and bringing the rosary to new places and more people.
Upcoming events

online Morning Prayer
Join our Discord Server, where we will have a morning Rosary prayer session! Our Discord Server also has tons of knowledge about the faith, as well as a daily Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3PM!

The Marian Consecration Ministry will be at St. Paul’s in Jacksonville Beach after their evening mass. We will be set up outside of the new church, with signup forms and free gifts for joining. Thank you St. Pauls!
Stay up to date with your consecration journey! Our team makes sure to post a daily reflection on the mysteries of the rosary, along with prayer intentions that have been submitted. Please, join our community by reading our daily reflections, and join us in prayer!
Each day, a new blog post will be written for Rosary meditation! In these blog posts, you’ll find decades donated for prayer intentions, which are submitted from those on their consecration journey from around the Diocese!
Consecrate The Coast!
This website is under construction for the Ministry of Marian Consecration in the Diocese of[…]
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